Press Center

At the inception of press revolution in Nigeria, the western part of the country seemed to have more than a fair share of gains. For instance, Lagos alone still harbours more newspaper companies any region in the country. Surprisingly, some regions in the country are experiencing a near-to-total drought in the practice of journalism, especially the print version. Consequently, these regions are left behind in the progressive gains of the print media which indeed cannot be over-emphashized.

Today in Katsina, thoughts have been translated to action, and ideas to reality, hence the new song in the air.

This song in the literary sense gives tune to the long a awaited revolution in the print media in the North. It is the song that will especially contribute in giving Arewa in its rightful place on the map of journalism in Nigeria.

This is besides the many gains it offers in highlighting the trends and trails of societal development. Ultimately,  this song is a  veritable medium through which yawning thoughts can be freed and human minds edified.

In an era where in the media of information required in the North West and indeed, the North are not enough, this is the song needed for useful regional and national information to be brought to everyone’s door step especially in Katsina State in particular, and the North West geo-political zone in general.

At a time when human stars shine unannounced,  this is the song that announces them in style for the world to hear, see and learn. And instructively, this will be done within the precincts of ethics and values. Indeed, in an era of poor readership and educational retardation, this new song in town confidently offers succor and credible solution. With its motto of excellence in style and content of news, features, opinions and columns, this new song prides itself as a reliable resource and companion of timeless dimension.

Now, from Katsina to Kafur, from Zango to Sabuwa let’s in in unison lift our pipes and begin to pipe a new dawn in the print media in Katsina State.  Let’s arise and celebrate the birth of KATSINA MIRROR; the new voice of the Land of Heritage and Hospitality.

The world is growing everyday, a reason why progressive ideas are being hatched on a daily basis.

The birth of KATSINA MIRROR is a most progressive idea that needs the goodwill of everybody to blossom and flower like stars.

And in a world where one is not heard by staying quietly and soberly, this new media vintage is timely to announce those whose ideas glitter for the attention of the world.

Dear reader,  we enjoin you to make it a point of duty to patronize this trail blazing medium to always reach you with news afresh and aplenty.

You are also advised to take due advantage of the paper to to announce your business initiatives and investments to the world. For young as the paper might be, it can never be limited both in scope of coverage and outlets of dissemination.  Rest assured that your partnership with the paper is an auspicious move that will yield bountiful harvests for you and the organization.

All said, we stand on the propagation of the best ethics and the entrenchment of the best values.

Above all, we do not wish to shine today and dime tomorrow, a reason why we shall definitely and infinitely aim higher like the eagles and brim with ideas on how to serve you better.

In the end therefore,  our paper can compete favorably with any national medium in style and sublimity of standards. Hold us by our words and stick to us with your might, for tomorrow holds even better promises than today.

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