Public Presentation on the Dissemination of the State 2023 Citizens Accountability Report

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Katsina State Youth Participation in Progressive Development Initiative, in partnership with the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room have organized Public Presentation on the Dissemination of the State 2023 Citizens Accountability Report.

The Presentation which took palace in Katsina was attended by Government Officials, Non Governmental Organization and representative of civil organizations among others.

In his welcome remarks, the Executive Director, Youth Participation in Progressive Development Initiative, Dr. Kamaluddeen Kabir explained that the citizens need to know how budget is executed for the development of every society.

According to Dr. Kamaluddeen Kabir, such presentation will make the participants to know more on dissemination of the State 2023 Citizens budget implementation.

Earlier the Program Officer of the Youth Participation in Progressive Development Initiative, Yahaya Sa’idu Lugga, urged the participant to pay attention and contribute during the presentation.

During the presentation the Secretary of the Initiative Comrade Umar Ahmed Jibril, Armaya’u Bello and Aliyu Muhammad Abba spoke on the importance of Citizen participation in Budget Implementation.

Also Umar Abdullahi from Global Shave spoke on the dangers associated with Climate Change such as recent Borno State Flooding.

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