Hon. Aminu Balele Kurfi (Dan Arewa) Score Card

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HON AMINU BALELE KURFI (DAN AREWA) Sponsored 3 different projects, including youth empowerment programs this day, Saturday, 7th December, 2024.
The programs are vis-a-vis

  1. Grant to students in public tertiary institutions to cussion the effect of fuel subsidy removal in Dutsinma and Kurfi Federal constituency.
  2. Youth Initiative Programme on ICT Training and Supply of Equipments for Job Creation and Youth Sustainable Development.
  3. Survey for the installation of solar power supply at GSS Dutsin-ma

Hon. Aminu Balele Dan arewa who is the current serving member house of Representatives, representing D/ma and Kurfi federal constituency, provides a scholarship grants to students and an e-learning facilities to unemployed youths across his constituency to promote a technological advancement training and upliftment of youths entreprenual skills in modern days.

This is not the first time that Hon Dan arewa providing such kind of initiations to youths for the betterment of their life.

A total of 300 students from a different public tertiary institution who were indigenes of Dutsin-ma and Kurfi, each of them received the sum of N30,000 to cussion the effect of fuel subsidy removal.

On the other hand, the ICT training beneficiaries are 52 in numbers and selected from all the 21 wards of Dutsinma and Kurfi local government areas.

All the beneficiaries received a new model of HP laptop that was worth or even more than N 350,000, and N 100,000 as a training allowance.

The beneficiaries paid their unimaginable happiness and tribute their thanksgiving to Hon. Aminu Balele Kurfi for his outstanding efforts toward the upliftment of the youths future.

They prayed for him seeking Almighty Allah to grant him whatever is best for him.

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