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The State Chairman Committee on Food and Nutrition, SCFN Coordinator, Alhaji Ibrhim Mu’azu Safana says State Government has released 200M Marching grant to UNICEF for the procurement of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF)

The Chairman of the Committee who is the Permanent Secretary, Minisitry of Budget and Economic Planning, stated this during the third quarter meeting of the committee organised by the ministry in collaboration with UNICEF Kano field Office held in Katsina.

Alhaji Ibrahim Mu’azu Safana also added that the state government has released another twelve Million Naira to Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning as counterpart fund for implementation of nutrition activities in the state.

The Chairman said Coordination of implementation of nutrition activities is one of the ministry responsibilities to ensure collaboration with relevant MDAs and development partners implementing nutrition in the state.

He appreciated the support of UNICEF, IRC, Nutrition International, ANRiN, PUI, MSF, ALIMA, Save the Children, AYGF, and PPFN among others for the tireless effort toward improving the well-being of our children and women in the state.

Alhaji Ibrahim, explained that the (NDHS) survey indicates that only 23% of infants in Katsina State are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. While 2023 SMART survey indicates stunting rate of 44.2%, wasting 9.4% and underweight 30.2%.

These data are among the worst in the country. Contextually, the major causes of malnutrition in the state include poor infant and child feeding practices, poor maternal nutrition, high levels of poverty, poor sanitation, and lack of access to water and health care.

According to him the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2021) report shows low rates of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (27.1%), Exclusive Breastfeeding (21.3%) and Minimum Dietary Diversity (23.4%).

Looking at these statistics the Ministry supported five (5) MDAs such as Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, KTARDA, Women Affairs, FADAMA and SUBEB with funds to conduct different nutrition activities across the state and this is just for a start.

The ministry under our leadership as the chairman of the committee will soon fund another set of MDAs because record shows that, Baure, Batsari, Kaita, Daura, Ingawa, Maiadua, Jibia Mashi, Mani, Sandamu and Zango has the highest rate of malnutrition cases in the state.

During the meeting, the Secretary of the Committee Malam Abdulrahma Jibril presented the last minutes of the second quarter of the committee meeting.

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