Katsina State House of Assembly Solicits for Patnership

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Katsina state House of Assembly has reaffirmed commitments to partner any organization towards ensuring accountability and transparency through relevant legislation.

The Speaker, Alhaji Nasir Yahaya Daura stated this during a two day capacity building organized for the lawmakers on accountability, transparency and based result management.

The capacity building organized by UNICEF in collaboration with ministry of budget and economic planning was attended by all members of Katsina state House of Assembly.

The Speaker Alhaji Nasir Yahaya Daura emphasized that transparency and accountability are the major catalysts of ensuring realistic and efficient budget.

Alhaji Nasir Yahaya Daura added that result based management is also a contributing factor towards proper implementation of budgetary allocations.

He expressed optimism that the approaches learnt during the training will no doubt assist the law makers to efficiently scrutinize budget brought before the House for the overall benefit of people in the state.

He therefore, urges the participating law makers to ensure judicious utilization of the knowledge acquired for the attainment of best result.

The commissioner of budget and economic planning, Alhaji Bello Hussaini Kagara, represented by Director planning, Alhaji Saidu Danlami explained that the training will encourage the lawmakers on their role of budget scrutiny and oversight function to ensure implementation of budget inline with constitutional provisions.

Alhaji Bello Kagara added that result based management provides strategic framework that emphasizes the achievements of outcomes and efficient use of resources.

During the first day of the training, Papers were presented to include, results based management in a nutshell and planning for results.

Similarly on the second day there was a paper presentations on implementation, monitoring for results, reporting on results as well as transitioning to program based budgeting “the role of legislators”.

In a closing remark, the Deputy speaker, Alhaji Abduljalal Haruna Runka expressed appreciation to UNICEF for knowledge shared with the lawmakers which we said will no doubt enhance their capacity.

Alhaji Abduljalal Haruna Runka equally commended the ministry of budget and economic planning for facilitating the workshop.

He also acknowledged the active participation of the lawmakers during the training and prayed that they should carry the knowledge acquired as well to practically utilize it.

Meanwhile, the governor has traveled to China on an official duty and will be back to Katsina within the week.

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